Yipu Chen 陈逸璞


401 Montgomery Knight Building

270 Ferst Drive, NW

Atlanta, GA 30332

Hi, I am a fourth year computer science student studying at Georgia Institute of Techonology. I will begin as a MSCS student at Tech starting from Fall 2024. My research interests are robotics, AI and machine learning. Check out my projects and publications to learn more.

selected publications

  1. ICRA2024.png
    Walking-by-Logic: Signal Temporal Logic-Guided Model Predictive Control for Bipedal Locomotion Resilient to External Perturbations
    Zhaoyuan Gu , Rongming Guo , William Yates , Yipu Chen, Yuntian Zhao , and Ye Zhao
    ICRA, May 2024
    arXiv:2309.13172 [cs]